Take picture with a wink

It is a real pain for a photographer to miss an interesting moment or picture. That's why they always take their huge cameras with them, so they won't miss it anymore. However, it still needs to be turned on and adjusted, so no momentary shots. What if you could take a picture of what you are seeing with only a wink of your eye? It surely is a fantastic idea, and some people are already working on this matter. Like this interesting sunglasses camera concept, brought to us by Japanese designer Mac Funamizu.Mac Funamizu tried to incorporate old and recognizable gesture of making a frame with fingers (like the movie directors do on television) into a modern and futuristic camera concept. The main idea is the placement of camera, which is built into the sunglasses and can see all that you are seeing through them. Position and size of viewfinder is adjusted right in front of user's eyes by position of two hands with L-shaped gestures. Then, if user is satisfied with frame size, picture can be taken by wink. According to the idea, sunglasses will even display some text information about the subject that you are photographing.This idea sounds pretty crazy, futuristic and unbelievable. Japanese designer is working pretty hard on this concept, so maybe it can be realized in the material form - it will be the most convenient way to take photos. However, small size of the camera inside the sunglasses leaves some doubts about image quality - it must be very advanced to see the same as seen by human eye. Another question is battery life - sunglasses are small, so battery for the camera must be very compact and capable of supplying efficient power for a day or so. Let's wait a dozen of years and see, how would modern digital camera evolve - who knows, maybe they will be realized like this?
Waseem Khan


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