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How to Write a Letter Requesting Sponsorship

Write the letter in proper format. Start with the title of the person you are addressing, the address, and date. Begin with a description of the company (if it's a corporate letter) or state who you are (if it's for personal sponsorship) For example, So and So firm is a nonprofit organization committed to rehabilitation... whatever. State the event and the purpose in lucid terms. "We are holding a ---- event on ----- for raising money/making a video/whatever the reason." Request sponsorship by saying "We would be grateful if you helped in sponsoring our event...". Try to give a plan, for example do you want a banner? An announcement? If it's a banner or the sort you could quote sizes and prices. This makes it easier for companies to select a sponsorship plan instead of trying to figure out what exactly you want and how much. Give details. For example, how many people are attending? Who will be the Chief Guest/guests, whether your event will be